Internet pornography or porn has continuously grown at an incredible rate with technology the reaches everyone all over the world. In the United States, the industry amounts to $13 billion a year. 9 of 10 boys below the age of 18 are exposed to internet pornography and are more likely to be users than women.
Porn is fantasy. It shows supernormal sex that is mostly not done in reality. It can either be good or bad, depending on your perspective. And with the huge audience, it would be hard to generalize. Some believe there are positive effects to how people behave in bed while some think relationships suffer because of it.
There are several contributing factors to couple problems and porn is just one of them. However, watching porn increases people’s knowledge about sex among other things. Difficulties among couples is not be limited to just watching porn. It’s the consumption of it that’s definitely a factor. People become sexually aroused naturally. With porn though, there is an artificial exaggeration in the environment, the supernormal sex, and supernormal bodies. Other virtual sexual experiences can even be replayed, paused, and rewound at will.
Overexposure to virtual sex could dampen people’s responses to real sex. Married couples may not feel as aroused to normal sex if the partner is used to having erections from hours of watching porn. It will affect relationships in many ways including users feeling guilty and ultimately breaking down trust and attachment.
It would not be fair to simply cross out porn from people’s enjoyment but there has to be a moderation in its consumption. How many times do you watch internet porn and for how long?