(Paris, France) February 28, 2018 –Mobile advertising solutions provider Affil4You is preparing to attend the first-ever European Summit in Portugal, which kicks off Thursday March 2nd.
The Affil4You team likes to strategically determine how they can meet every registered attendee regardless of what business may stem from each encounter and looks forward to crossing paths with you while attending the show.
“Generating new business relationships is always a priority, but I’ve learned that all introductions are valuable in one way or another hence our team’s determination to meet as many people as we possibly can!” says Affil4You’s CEO, Laurent Baquiast.
Affil4You is excited to be a platinum sponsor of The European Summit due to the extensive schedule which includes educational seminars, of which Affil4You’s CEO Baquiast and Traffic Director Brian Elkan are a part. Be sure to check out their SMS panel “Dead or Alive?”, Saturday 3rd March at 1pm in Room C, to gain valuable insight on SMS and its current status in today’s market.
To learn more about the mobile solutions Affil4You can provide or to schedule a meeting during The European Summit, email sales@affil4you.com or visit www.Affil4You.com .