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Chris Erwin of Beardfinder is this Week’s Guest on Adult Site Broker Talk

Contact: Bruce

URL: https://adultsitebrokertalk.com


City, State – Pattaya, Thailand

Chris Erwin of Beardfinder is this Week’s Guest on Adult Site Broker Talk.

Chris resides in Florida today after growing up in Illinois.

In 1996 he enlisted in the US Navy and left after twenty years of duty.

During his whole pre-BeardFinder career, he worked in the intelligence sectors, covering embedded operations and overseeing intelligence projects as a military contractor.

Starting his BeardFinder journey in 2023, the website debuted in May of this year.

With BeardFinder, he wants to let those with facial hair find and profit from their material online. 

Though a relative newcomer to the realm of adult and fetish sites, Chris, the founder and CEO of the site, committed himself to seeing it come to life. 

His concept was that, like other fan sites, there is a dearth of site representation for persons with beards and facial hair and their capacity to create income or a little extra money on the side via the creation and promotion of their own content. 

Popular websites like OnlyFans inspired Chris, but he especially found great resonance in the success of FeetFinder.

BeardFinder.com wants to be where people with facial hair can make a little or a lot of extra money by just being themselves or becoming whatever their prospective customers want them to be. It became the first digital marketplace targeted especially at the popularity of all facial hair types.

Their catchphrase is “Turn that Beard money into Beer money”. 

You can follow them on X @BeardFinder_com

Bruce, the adult site broker, show host, and CEO of Adult Site Broker, said: “Chris was a fun guest. He’s a really interesting guy with a fascinating past. His shift to our industry is quite a change from where he’s been the rest of his working life.”

Adult Site Broker helps people buy and sell websites in the adult space. They are known as “the ethical broker” for their business practices. You can contact them on their website at adultsitebroker.com

You can listen to Chris Erwin on Adult Site Broker Talk starting today at https://adultsitebrokertalk.com

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