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Mistress Eva Debuts Foot Fetish, Chastity Video Courses at YouWillPleaseMe.com

A photo of Mistress Eva in a tight red latex body suit, face down ass up in a big comfy bed.(BALI) June 16, 2020 – Eva Oh, aka international lifestyle domme Mistress Eva, is adding to her well-received online BDSM training sessions with the introduction of Foot Fetish and Chastity video courses at YouWillPleaseMe.com.

The resplendent diva is making the most of her stay-at-home time in Bali by bringing her world-class BDSM experience and knowledge to an online instructional format, the very first of its kind in the industry.

“We are fully-embracing emerging technologies right now in 2020, and my online tutorials are almost as good as me being there,” says Oh. “The world of kink has many facets, and I’m excited to expand the site’s offerings with foot fetish and chastity training sessions.”

Oh has also just launched a weekly storytelling video that chronicles her remarkable adventures as a classically-trained professional dominatrix at pleasemelive.com

“As future restrictions ease, I am seeing a strong surge in pre-booking for sessions again at hongkongdomme.com, shanghaidomme.com and singaporedomme.com,” says Oh.

“I’m feeling optimistic for the future, and looking forward to making new online connections as well as experiencing physical human connection again.”

About Eva Oh / Mistress Eva


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