(Hollywood, CA) July 21, 2017 – TS performer Sunshyne Monroe can add two Urban X Awards to her growing list of nominations.
Monroe garnered nominations for Best Transgender Performer and Best Transgender Site for her site SunshyneLand.com through the SMC network. Urban X has opened the fan voting through August 8th. Fans can vote once per IP address. To vote for her for Best Transgender performer, go to https://urbanxawards.com/voting/ and look for her in the Bracket 2 voting. To vote for her site, head over to https://urbanxawards.com/specialty/ to cast your vote.
“I’m glad they’re bringing back the Urban X Awards and I’m ecstatic to be nominated as a performer and for my site,” says Monroe. “I’d like to thank my fans and Urban X for both nominations. Please cast your votes for me and help me take home one or both awards.”
The Urban X Awards are set to take place on Sunday, August 20th at Stars on Brand in Glendale, California, starting at 7pm. Some of the biggest stars in the industry are slated to attend and walk the red carpet, including Monroe. Find out more about the awards and events by visiting https://www.urbanxawards.com/.
Webmasters with traffic they think can generate profit from SunshyneLand and other trans sites should join the SMC Revenue affiliate program.