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TheCashMatch by Teknology Secures Gold Sponsorship at The European Summit 2018

TheCashMatch and The European Summit logos on a TES Background are mashed up.(Lugano, Switzerland) August 25, 2018 – TheCashMatch has just signed on as a Gold Sponsor of the European Summit, to be held at the Vienna House Diplomat in Prague, Czech Republic from September 14-17. This is the very first time the newly launched dating affiliate program will partake in a sponsorship and is thrilled to have secured a spot in one of the industry’s leading B2B conferences held in Europe.

TheCashMatch by Teknology SA was released to the market July of this year, the program is the latest addition to Teknology’s extensive portfolio. Teknology, formerly Tekka Digital SA, was founded in 2007 by a team of experts with 15+ years of experience having launched some of the most recognizable dating websites including 4CLUB & CasualClub.

TheCashMatch was born out of a natural progression for the group, as they operate in a wide range of niches, covering 16 countries. The program hosts 100% in-house built exclusive dating offers that cannot be found anywhere else. They work closely with partners to provide high, scalable payouts to ensure clicks are maximized to their full earning potential.

“We are very excited to sponsor TES for the first time ever with the launch of our new affiliate program. TES provides us an excellent opportunity to meet with many of our long-term business partners and find valuable new connections among the industry”, said Teknology’s CEO Giulio Lingua.

For affiliates that are looking to expand their reach or monetize traffic in Tier 2/3 countries with highly targeted dating offers, make sure to set up a meeting with their team who will stationed at Booth G3 as well as the Meet Market at table 17B.

To arrange a meeting with TheCashMatch team during the European Summit, e-mail them at: affiliate@thecashmatch.com.

For more information, visit www.TheCashMatch.com.


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