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The Evolution

and Future

of WordPress

ordPress is one of the most commonly of websites. This isn’t just due to the impact From a developer’s point of view, WordPress
Wused website design platforms available. having a blog has on SEO; it is due to the is a great choice because it is very fexible.
It offers several features that are easy-to-use amount of effort developers are putting into it. Developing plug-ins and modifying codes
and take seconds to implement. Because of its In the past, users would only be able to fnd is much easier when you know where to
immense popularity and developer-friendly a few plug-ins that helped change designs look. Because the platform is open source,
nature, the future of WordPress seems bright developers can look at things other users have
and basic features. Now, website owners can
and hopeful. created and fnd ways to duplicate or modify it.
fnd nearly anything they want as a one-click
plug-in including landing pages, social sharing For example, if a client wanted social sharing
What Is WordPress? tools, shopping carts and more. buttons that linked to specifc networks, the
developer could easily fnd an existing social
WordPress is an open source web development sharing plug-in and modify it to ft the client’s
The advantages of WordPress
tool that allows users to visually create their needs.
website using PHP. It is commonly used as
The biggest advantage of using WordPress
a content management system due to its The biggest advantage, however, is the cost.
from a creator’s point of view is the simplicity.
simplistic organization. In fact, over 25-percent While there is a free version of WordPress for
Even people with no website experience can
of all websites use WordPress. The platform users to enjoy, most people opt for the self-
make a website in just a few clicks. The platform
became popular among the blogger community hosted version. This means in order to have
is also well-organized and easy to explain, so
for its ability to create a professional-looking your perfect website, you would only need to
beginners have very little diffculty performing
website simply by selecting a theme and a few pay for hosting and put time into creation.
plug-ins. complex tasks. For example, rather than coding Some services offer WordPress-specifc hosting
each blog post’s META data in HTML, bloggers for as little as $4. This cost-effectiveness has
While it is primarily used for blogging, the will see input felds that automatically translate played a role in the popularity of WordPress
platform has become a staple for all types it and place it in the header. among businesses.

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