Page 14 - pom1709_WEB
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The last Of                                                                    ISEO covered from past to present (the future
                                                                                        n  the  interest  of  having  as  many  points  of

                                                                                      will be a mind-bender so we’re saving that for
                                                                                      another issue), Payout presents here the third
       The SEO                                                                        oh so often lost in the mists of memory by all
                                                                                      in our “mustn’t forget” SEO lessons learned but

                                                                                      that has been learned since...

                                                                                       1.  Be   precise,  present  content  as
       lessons -                                                                           economically as possible, and to the

                                                                                       2.  An easy to use site is a site that can more
                                                                                           easily collect links to it from other sites,
       Old School                                                                          boost.
                                                                                           become more popular and get a rank

                                                                                       3.  Link out and back; don’t worry too much
                                                                                           about link-trading if you don’t do it too
       Doesn’t Mean                                                                        and the link is relevant and enhances the
                                                                                           much. If the user can use the information,

                                                                                           subject of your own post, page or site,
                                                                                           do it.
       School’s Out                                                                    4.  The more you link out, the more links
                                                                                           in  are  likely;  people  will  see  you  aren’t
                                                                                       5.  Quality content is original content; don’t
                                                                                           copy-paste from other sites unless you
                                                                                           cite; original content is quality content.
                                                                                           Search engines devour it when it’s both.

                                                                                       6.  Gibberish can be original, but it can’t be
                                                                                           quality. Don’t use automatic translation
                                                                                           software or word-spin applications; the
                                                                                           content is obvious to humans and SEs.

                                                                                       7.  Great incoming links are not only on
                                                                                           websites; think of getting some in
                                                                                           from social networking sites, e-mail
                                                                                           signatures,  news  letters,  bookmarks
                                                                                           and those nifty thumbs now available as
                                                                                           “home page” in modern browsers.

                                                                                       8.  Quality links from highly relevant, quality
                                                                                           sites  with  low  traffic  will  not  help  your
                                                                                           rankings  as  much  as  a  flood  of  traffic
                                                                                           from lesser-quality sites; those  “clicks”
                                                                                           can be heard from afar by the SEs.
                                                                                       9.  Getting  links  from  site  with  .edu, .org,
                                                                                           .net and such can be better than from
                                                                                           domains with .xxx, .sex, .biz, and so on.
                                                                                           Unless  the  biz  or  the  sex  are  relevant.
                                                                                           Take the time to look into the incoming

                                                                                       10.  Click-bait and link-baiting can be good
                                                                                           if it’s not overused, and strangely things
                                                                                           like “What he did next will blow your
                                                                                           mind” actually work; still, thse tactics

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