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The next legal hurdle has it’s own problems warning that where they are about to Enter until you enter a date of birth to “prove” you’re
with it’s apparent abrogations of privacy laws, contains adult material, that it shouldn’t be of legal age (got that, kids?).
but skipping that little issue (because it would viewed by people under 18 (or 21 depending
seem federal attorney generals can do that too), on your locality), and that if exposing yourself The second, more sophisticated method
all adult sites need to follow article 18 U.S.C. to “illegal” content is not legal in your area, you is to have a credit-card number to enter,
2257. This federal requirement says you, as a should Exit the site at this point. which assumes people under the age of the
“producer” have to ensure you are maintaining majority cannot own one. Though it may not be
records and documentation establishing and But the fact of the matter, Jack, is that it ain’t
prevalent, it’s just not so.
verifying that each model portrayed in video a law or legal obligation at all to mess up a
and pictures on your site are at least over the perfectly fne, wholly indexable and marketable
Another concern people interested in launching
age of 18 years. Even if one of your models page with all that useless drivel.
an adult business is where is it allowed to host
is a 75 year-old GILF, she must provide this their website?
documentation and photo-identifcation for It’s smart to do two things: explain in words
you to copy and store in a folder in a drawer in what is so yummy about what lies beyond this
The simple answer is: almost anywhere
page, and use not-too-explicit images (if you
your offce, m’kay?
you can register a domain name. GoDaddy,
must) to illustrate it. However, remember that
Now it wasn’t clear up above, so to get search engines only care about your alt tags NetworkSolutions, it’s that big a deal; while
into it in more detail: you have to have the on pics, and while images can be enticing, they there are some hosts who specialize in adult
documentation of any and all models who aren’t vital to your SEO. websites, those are in it more as a marketing
appear on your site, even if you did not and targeting strategy than a moral or legal
There’s also the Association of Sites
photograph, video or otherwise record them. alternative.
This means you have to obtain copies of that Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) and their
information from whatever photographer, RTA Label,, which stands for However, you should fnd out before you plunk
producer or agency you’ve engaged to obtain “Restricted To Adults”, and provides a snippet down the dollars by digging into their fne-print
the content, though not necessarily actually of code (they love that phrase) for you to place terms of service, or more easily by calling their
on this page(and if you’re using a template
working with the person in the depictions, as customer support. Most companies won’t PR the
well as the model’s. throughout your site) along with a little “label” fact that they will host adult content, unless it’s
or button which indicates the code is in place.
in the pages of adult industry B2B sites.
And you have to check if a model’s “stage Parents at this point can use the code to easily
name” is owned in any way by another company. block a participating site from a particular
The actual trickiest part about launching an
If “Candy” has been camming under that name computer (kids, natch) and leave the pervs to
adult website is getting the right amount of
and the site has publicity material, archived do what they’re good at.
traffc (assuming it is quality from the get-
video, photos (and of course the corresponding
2257 documentation) tying her to that name, In the U.S., there have been many legal efforts go) that will eventually convert into spending
you shouldn’t use it. to force age-verifcation on adult sites, but the customers.
industry’s own efforts at self-regulation, such as
And of course you have to have permission sponsoring the ASACP and using the RTA Label Many will jump on the most famous advertising
to use the recordings and depictions from the (as well as the guilty-conscience manifesting platforms even non-techies know: AdSense and
model, the copyright holder and anyone and itself with white-background, Enter/Exit AdWords.
anything else, like most other regular non-porn warning pages), and the Supreme Court’s ferce
outlets, such as the Victoria’s Secret people, protection of the First Amendment to the US But, no. First, Google’s AdSense system
have to do, which is to essentially comply with Constitution have saved our (bare) butts on requires you to place ads on your site (in
the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or DMCA, more than one occasion. this case a money-driven destination like a
which covers all those, as well as trademarks subscription site wouldn’t work, because you
and publicity. There are two feeble and ultimately pointless don’t want potential customers to click away
“systems” a porn entrepreneur can also use
from your site; assume a blog or other free site)
Exhausted yet? But wait, there’s more! to ease the guilt. (Actually it’s more than
and they don’t want these placed on adult sites.
that; some sites without warnings have been
Ok, so those are basically all the legal fagged or “reported” by concerned community
But there are adult versions of those two
obligations. members - usually pretty small communities -
advertising platforms available, and many, many
when then realize said site owner is a resident
other ways, systems and techniques to advertise
What about what could be termed ... “Moral” or simply because they believe in the whole
concerns? law-enforced warning concept). your adult site to people seeking adult content.
Adult is silly with advertising; you could say
Many believe that a site’s landing page is The frst is the Age Verifcation System, we’re the king & queen of online advertising.
legally obliged to stop the visitor and potential more recognizable by its acronym AVS, which
customer to their site with a disclaimer and basically blocks you from entering a website

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