Page 4 - index
P. 4

ELL here we are in that lull, that sweet how to go out and get that traffc you’ll need for
Wspot in the... summer? spring? whatever, it to become a business to start with.
the frst-half-year convention season between
Phoenix and the European shows. But wait! There’s more! There’s site-user
insight for site-operators! Article marketing! And
When it comes down to it, we’re really in some lighter material concerning rules for the
convention season year round, aren’t we? newbies out there (give it to a newbie you know,
it’s still informative for them, just funny for you)!
SO it’s a good time to go over how we’ve done
so far this year, how we’re doing, and how we’re And while we’re going through rules and
going to head into the next phase - of whatever! lessons old and new, the whole issue is rounded
Business, life, and whether or not I should buy out by some of my best work (I think) covering
another bar, which can be like both. some of the best parts of some of the best recent
shows: Alexandra Georgia’s absolutely great Live
But enough of me with all this. How are you??
Cam Awards extravaganza, co-hosted this year
Did you get me your card at the Phoenix Forum?
by the one and only Brad Mitchell (who looks
In Sitges, at the European Summit? If you did
damned dapper in a tux, so you’ll have to look
there’s a good chance your ad is in this issue! Or
to other galleries for his classic painted shirts),
will be in the next... There’s always Payout!
which was and is followed here by Exoclick’s
memorable after-awards bash - thanks all you
So, in this time of chill between shows, in this
sponsors for some great times!
issue we’re going back to basics in lots of ways,
on the articles front.
So take a break from intense work schedules
with some must-read material, then take a
In a trove of info and insights for affliates, you
break from the heavy reading with the fun-
get to learn that Porn, Tumblr and revenue do
time networking memories in the pics - and
go together; that while technology evolved and
remember I’ll be at the next show, waiting for
became more sophisticated, the modern affliate
your best poses, smiles and naughty behavior -
has it easier than ever; and we go over much of
and business cards!
the old tried and true rules and guidelines of
working the adult web that still apply today. But
Enjoy this between-show down-time! You’ve
that a lot of us might forget...
earned it! We’ll schmooze-work again soon!
And that’s just for starters. This issue is jam-
packed with everything from picking the right MikeB
domain name for your new site and business to

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