Page 20 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 9.4
P. 20

How to Get International
         Insights from

      Google Analytics

The success of any marketing campaign will always depend on how                 you’re going to need to create international versions of your websites,
     well you understand your customer, what they buy, and where they           which isn’t as complicated as it sounds.
are located.
                                                                                �	 You can create geographically targeted versions of a website in a
    Blanket approaches to marketing can prove profitable, but they are              couple of ways.
generally inefficient and will never produce the highest ROI. Tracking the
activity and return on all your campaigns removes the guesswork out of              Creating country-specific top-level domains such as www.
building a successful marketing strategy.                              will be familiar to the residents of the country you are
                                                                                targeting and will help increase your ranking power. You will also have
    Smart campaigns built from the ground up using intelligent analysis         the benefit of country-specific IP addresses. Of course, you miss out on
of data will always beat out a campaign that you launched on a hunch.           the internal link juice that would otherwise be available from your sister
Google Analytics can provide the information you need to fine-tune your         sites.
campaigns and explode your profits.
                                                                                    Subfolders are another strategy for creating customized content
    When you first jump into Google Analytics, the information you are          for an international audience such as
presented with at first glance represents less than 10% of its real power.      Using this method spreads out the link juice between internal links, but
Tinkering around under the hood is how you develop intimate knowledge           it does make it challenging to rank in a country-specific search engine.
about your visitors’ behavior while they are browsing your website. When        Because of this, subfolders work best when used on older sites with an
you take the time to get to grips with Google Analytics you will unearth a      established audience and it has reached a time when it makes sense to
wealth of information on user behavior such as how they found your site,        grow its sphere of influence.
demographics, their interests, and how they use your website.
                                                                                    Google’s webmaster tools are making it more convenient to target
    Another reason Google Analytics is such a powerful tool is its ability      international markets through geotargeting. Add the relevant code to
to collect and collate data on your international visitors. If you haven’t yet  your page, find the ‘Geographic Target,’ then ‘Target users in,’ and select
thought about expanding operations beyond your borders then what we             your desired country.
are about to reveal should convince you to reconsider.
                                                                                Set Up Google Analytics for International Campaigns

�	 Tapping Into Underserved International Markets                                   The nature of powerful tools can make them a daunting challenge to
                                                                                operate. With the massive volume of data that Google Analytics collects
    Your market research may have revealed untapped markets in                  on your visitors, it can be tough to figure out how to sift through it all so
different countries. To tap into these potentially lucrative global markets,    it starts to make sense and become useful.

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