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Mistress Cyan’s Charity Food Drive and Party, Coming to Sanctuary Studios this Friday

Mistress Cyan’s Charity Food Drive and Party, Coming to Sanctuary Studios this Friday

Lennox, CA — Mistress Cyan is kicking off the holiday season with her annual charity “Slave Auction” party and Thanksgiving food drive for the homeless. The fundraiser will be this Friday, November 10th at Sanctuary Studios, 13012 Athens Way, Los Angeles, CA 90061.

Cyan’s yearly fundraiser is a pervy take on the classic charity bachelor auction, and the first at her new location for Sanctuary Studios. Her tradition has gone back over 20 years as a way of giving to the community and those in need. Switches, submissives and Dommes volunteer to put themselves up for auction, while “buyers” exchange non-perishable food and canned goods for “auction money.” Those looking to go on the block for a good cause fill out a questionnaire of their likes and dislikes, which are announced before the bidding begins. This is all for kinky fun. There is no actual sex. Everything is negotiated, consensual, and all safewords will be respected.

“Over the years, we have collected thousands of pounds of food, to give to the homeless and hungry in Los Angeles over the holidays,” noted Mistress Cyan, owner and founder of Sanctuary Studios. “Everyone entering with non-perishable food, canned goods, or grocery gift cards receives ‘Auction Money’ for bidding. New socks, new underwear, and clean blankets will be accepted as well.”

The past efforts of Mistress Cyan and the Sanctuary Studios leather family have fed over 100,000 people in the Los Angeles area.

“Everyone who participates should be proud,” added Mistress Cyan. “I appreciate the support I have received with this over the years. Please continue with that support and let’s make sure we can make a difference in the lives of those in need.”

Go to https://sanctuarylax.com/events/56759 for additional information and to see so much more of what Sanctuary Studios has to offer.

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