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TrafficStars Launches Dynamic CPM Tool

Promotional graphics for new Trafficstars Dynamic CPM option.(Limassol, Cyprus) May 3, 2017 – Self-serve proprietary ad network TrafficStars has further improved its platform with the addition of the Dynamic CPM (DCPM) tool. The DCPM pricing model is now available to all advertisers bidding via the platform as well as DSP partners who can work on a second-price auction basis.

With Standard CPM bidding, advertisers pay the same price for each thousand impressions, regardless of the demand. With DCPM, advertisers can set a maximum CPM bid and then let the TrafficStars algorithm do its job: each ad call is evaluated in real time to determine what the impression is really worth at that specific moment.

The DCPM model maximizes performance as it has the flexibility to “hand pick” each impression and pay exactly what it’s worth. With Standard CPM, advertisers would never have access to the most valuable impressions, which are more likely to convert. Likewise, they might overpay for many impressions that are worth far less than the CPM bid.

“The benefits of our dynamic CPM are threefold,” said Geoffrey Bonnechère, co-founder and CEO of TrafficStars. “First, advertisers pay exactly what each impression is worth. Second, they can reach better quality ad placements, and third, they don’t waste time with CPM price manual optimizations since our algorithm does it automatically 24/7, 365 days a year. It’s a gain of time, which will allow advertisers to create more campaigns, test new placements and so on.

“The power of TrafficStars in-house DCPM combined with our RTB technology creates a whole new level of competition and performance potential that has been and will continue to generate significantly higher ROIs for our advertisers,” said Bonnechère.

About TrafficStars

TrafficStars is a powerful, self-serve RTB ad network, buying and selling worldwide traffic with OpenRTB protocol capabilities.

TrafficStars was developed to provide technical and marketing solutions to online advertisers and publishers worldwide. Founded in 2014, TrafficStars has offices in Limassol and Barcelona and manages nearly 1 billion highly targeted ad impressions daily and growing continuously.

TrafficStars offers advertisers the possibility to segment their campaigns by sites, categories, countries, devices, operating systems, browsers, languages and mobile carriers worldwide.

For more information, visit TrafficStars.com, register here or send an email to advertising@trafficstars.com.


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