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Webmaster Central Updates Mobile UI For Templated Video Feeds

Webmaster Central's New UI Update(TAMPA BAY, Fla.) April 14, 2015 – Webmaster Central’s latest update is giving adult companies a new option for boosting profits from tablet and smartphone users. The company has launched an all-new mobile interface for its popular templated feeds, and the new UI is specifically designed to increase engagement with users of mobile devices.

“We collected a lot of user feedback and researched a number of possible designs, and the new UI is exactly the experience that most mobile users want,” says AndyA, Founder and CEO of Webmaster Central. “Every one of our existing clients who use our templated feeds with mobile traffic should expect even better results because of this update.”

The new UI delivers better revenue performance by simplifying the navigation and getting out of the way of the content. It delivers Webmaster Central’s mobile-optimized HD content in a format that’s familiar and attractive to users so they won’t get frustrated and move on. A sample of the new mobile interface can be viewed on Webmaster Central’s website.

“Leasing your content from Webmaster Central provides many of the same benefits you get from various cloud-based service providers; you just plug into the technology and let us do all the work,” says Andy. “We handle all the updates, we optimize the videos, and as seen with this update, we constantly refine the UI based on what’s proven to work best and bring you more profits.”

Webmaster Central has served adult content to the biggest names in adult entertainment since the 1990’s. Its leased HD video content services cover every major adult niche and market, and can deliver optimized content to just about any screen size, whether a desktop, mobile or television screen. Webmaster Central’s content libraries are updated every day so clients can focus on driving traffic and making money.

To arrange for a free demo, please contact sales@webmastercentral.com today. More information about Webmaster Central content services can be found at WebmasterCentral.com.


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