Page 17 - volume-12-3
P. 17

3.  Clearly Outline Content with Well-Defined   Google will be able to rank your content based
           Headlines                         on its relevancy.
           If your content is arranged in a way that
        shows the main idea and backs it up with more   7.  Summarize Key Data Points
        specific details, users can clearly understand   When users are on your website, they
        what you’re talking about. This will result in a   should be able to get the information they
        higher level of user satisfaction. You can use   need with the least amount of effort. Users
        the header attribute to define the different   will often look for web pages with detailed
        sections and subsections of your main content.
        The main goal is to ensure that your site has   information and a quick resource guide, so
        clear content and easy navigation. Sectioning   they don’t have to dig through all the content.
        your content with different header attributes   If this process is too difficult for them, they
        allows users to comb through your content and   will move on. Summarizing key data points will
        find relevant information easily. Your website’s   help your content to be more user-friendly and
        usability will increase drastically.  useful. You can distill your ideas into a few key
                                             points that can be broken down into concise
        4.  Use Clear, Easy to Understand Language  paragraphs.
           If you’re trying to get your content read by
        as many people as possible, your language   8.  Make Your Website Mobile Friendly
        must be easy to understand. If you’re confused   Mobile devices are becoming more and
        when reading your content, most users will   more popular. This is why it is important to have
        be too. Also, if you’re having trouble writing   a mobile-friendly website. The information you
        content in your preferred language, it will be   provide in your content should be readable on
        difficult for your website to rank high on the   the smaller mobile screen. Otherwise, users
        search engines.
                                             will feel frustrated and will likely not use your
        5.  Empower Your Content with Visual Media  services or buy your products.

           Not everyone takes in information the   9.  Optimize Load Times
        same way. A sample of users may need all
        of the information provided in the text to be   If your website is slow, you can lose sales.
        presented visually. You can use images, charts,   Once a user is on your site, they should be
        graphs, and other visual media to solve this   able to find what they’re looking for quickly
        problem. If a user is unable or unwilling to read   and effortlessly. It is also very important to
        through your content or is not interested, they   ensure that your website’s code is clean and
        may not click on your site. You must use visual   easy to read. If your site takes too long to load,
        media to attract users and keep them on your   the user will not stay for long. Optimizing your
                                             website will keep the average load time below
                                             2 seconds.
        6.  Create Content that Serves Users, not
           Search Engines
           Natural language processing helps to
        prevent web crawlers from misinterpreting your   These are just a few of the factors that
        content. Using keywords will certainly help, but   will result in a higher level of quality and user
        using them in a way that doesn’t make your   satisfaction. If you can improve your website’s
        content cumbersome or irrelevant will improve   UX, you will increase your chances of attracting
        the user experience. Useful content offers the   more users who will click on your links, visit
        best user experience. Your content should   your site, and become customers of your site.
        offer value if trying to entice users to check
        out your site. Before technology improved to   Following these tips will make your website
        the level it has become, people used to speak   more effective and efficient. Your website’s
        to machines in a language incompatible with   usability is directly related to its conversion
        human understanding. However, Google now   rate. UX and SEO are very intertwined. If you
        has advanced algorithms that can understand   improve your search engine optimization
        the true intention behind search queries. If   strategies, you will also be able to increase
        you provide understandable human content,   your website’s usability.

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