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Affiliate Magazine: The affiliate life cycle

You may have heard the quote: “It’s 7 times easier to maintain a client than to find a new one” — Basic Marketing 101 for a brick-and-mortar business. I can confirm that. One of the stupidest ideas I ever had was to open restaurants. The easy mobile money made it possible to open not only 1 but 5 that all failed. It’s better to write now for Affiliate Magazine than in a gastro journal, I guess. I really saw that day-to-day. Getting clients in, especially if your places are off the beaten track, is a real struggle, but once they are in, it’s very easy to make them loyal and return if your food and the ambiance is great!

In Affiliate Marketing, that’s absolutely not the case, as getting an affiliate is fairly easy:

Affiliates are proactive in finding advertisers that are in their vertical

They look for ways to improve their business permanently with better offers and terms

As we work in an online environment — and something like Payout — it is a fact and not subjective, like the taste of food, that research is done fast and easy

Also switching from one advertiser to another or to change offers is done within a few clicks.

Knowing that, we need to use a different strategy to build and keep partnerships with our affiliates that send traffic to your program.

Every program and every AM is different, but let me share with you some points that will help you to develop your own way of top notch affiliate management.

Products have a lifecycle and so do partnerships. Let’s look at the affiliate lifecycle:

1. Acquisition:

How you connect the first time with a partner. Multiple options:

Over referrals from other affiliates that have good experiences with you or other industry people that make a little side hustle with referrals, cold reach out to Affiliates, Conventions, Research done by the Affiliate, program marketing (like writing an article for Affiliate Magazine)

Conversion Point: Getting the affiliate started

Challenge: How interested is the affiliate to start with you after knowing all the facts

Solution: Qualifying the affiliate from the start, present your program as something unique, the affiliate needs to be hot on running with you

Bonus advice: If you have Tier 2 affiliates, announce closing of account if not started within X weeks. There are scammers out there that just collect accounts that they later sell or use for scams after they are not on the radar any more for being a new account.

2. Maintaining:

The affiliate has started the traffic. Now the real challenge starts to keep them live. You are not used to each other, thus the perfect way of working and winning offers needs to be found

Conversion Point: Affiliate continues to send traffic.

Challenge: Affiliate stops for many reasons like bad performance, bad service, technical issues, private reasons, shaving

Solution: CRM system to not forget things, monitoring of results min on a weekly base, solution orientated behavior, bumps, switch from CPL to CPA or Revshare for best sub-sources, avoid to provide offers where you don’t rock just to have a quick buck but destroy overall performance, build deep and personal connections.

3. To the Moon:

Let’s become your affiliate’s favorite partner

Conversion Point: Growing the affiliate from small or medium to Whale level

Challenge: Competition with other programs and networks. Often other verticals are more successful for the affiliate.

Solution: White labels, Exclusivity, Incentives, Personal meetings, proactive informing about bugs and problems, bumps, customized promo tools

4. Keeping:

Your target has to be always to grow the affiliate, but at a certain point, it goes more into a state of keeping the status quo

Challenge: Avoid that the affiliate is reducing traffic or even stopping

Solution: Solution: Close monitoring, regular contact, solution orientated, inviting for first mover offers, run incentives, I would recommend to give to direct pubs money and to networks gadgets, usually an employee is not allowed to keep money but can accept things like headphones

Bonus advice: Cut away bad traffic sources so the overall payout rate for the legit affiliates can be higher

5. Restart

Affiliates are stopping, even if you work perfect, that’s the nature of things. Restarting affiliates is something that should be in the daily routine of any affiliate manager.

Challenge: Affiliate has often a winning solution in place at the competition and you need to offer something better

Solution: Start with Bump for successful Sub IDs, Reach out with newest solutions – maybe affiliate needed something in the past that you now have in place (another reason to maintain your CRM proper), check Callback, promo links and payment details before restart

Bonus advice: If the AM is not well connected with the partner and you have a business developer, it’s often more promising to let the Biz Dev do this task.

General advice

Approaching: Always make it in the first message clear what you want, avoid adding new partners on instant messenger and just post a waving smiley or hello.

Focus on the factors you can influence if an affiliate wants to stop. Don’t get into discussions if they want to switch verticals or don’t want to share reasons, as we all have a private life.

Keep your promises at any price, if really not possible stand up for the issue, its often hard as many things depend on factors you can only influence to a very small level like Tech capacity.

Don’t shit on the competition — you don’t have to blow out the other candle to shine more.

Build your own brand, online marketing has much to do with trust and reputation.

Create common ground with your most important partners: Insider jokes, memories together.

Connect with everybody possible even if not your vertical, people change jobs or make connections for you, also you can earn some money with referring people.

About the Author:

Stefan Muehlbauer is an industry veteran with more than 13 years in Affiliate management, Training of Account managers and building programs. His focus is the adult industry with a history in Dating, Toys, and Telemedicine, but also half of his career he worked parallel in mainstream verticals like Mobile, Nutra, and Leadgen. Under the Affpal brand he gave more than 100 speeches about affiliate management and products, and has an educational program for Affiliate managers and program owners. His main job is the Business Development of the Dutch based online dating company Masters in Cash.

For more insides on Affiliate Management, you can follow his channels




How To Make Money Online

Start an online business.

By driving product development optimization and enhancement, data scientists produce analytics and data-driven business solutions. They use predictive modeling to boost revenue generation, ad targeting, and the overall customer experience. Information researchers additionally coordinate with different utilitarian groups to carry out models and screen results.

To start a business related to data science, you need to be able to identify a need or problem that your company can solve and have a solid understanding of the concepts of data science. To be successful, you must also have business skills like managing finances, sales, and marketing.

Information science is the field of study worried about removing information from all gathered data. There is a high demand for professionals who can transform an organization’s competitive advantage through data analysis. Data-driven business solutions and analytics are what you do as a data scientist.

Improve your online marketing.

Search Machine optimization, social media marketing, dispatch marketing, and content marketing are all exemplifications of marketing strategies. Someone prefers temp correspondence to give these digital marketing services. You can also begin probing and applying for jobs in those fields. You can look into digital marketing if you ’re examining a more refined way to earn plutocrat with the help of the internet. While it may appear intimidating originally, it’s fairly simple, and numerous businesses are turning to digital marketing to increase their online presence. To earn plutocrat online via digital marketing, you should first learn about the colorful marketing types. still, your stylish bet is to concentrate on content marketing, If you really want to make plutocrat online doing chapter marketing. By erecting out a blog with several runners of high- quality content, you produce an asset you can call your own. Strategically place chapter links in your blog posts to drive business to your chapter mate’s website.

Apply data science to your online business.

Data scientists produce data- driven business results and analytics by driving optimization and enhancement of product development. They use prophetic modeling to increase and optimize client guests, profit generation, announcement targeting, and more. Data scientists also coordinate with different functional brigades to apply models and cover issues. To start a data wisdom- related business, you ’ll need to have a strong understanding of data wisdom generalities and be suitable to identify a need or problem that your business can break. You ’ll also need to have business chops, similar as marketing, deals, and fiscal operations, to help you succeed. Data wisdom is the area of study that involves rooting knowledge from all of the data gathered. There’s a great demand for professionals who can turn data analysis into a competitive advantage for their associations. In a career as a data scientist, you’ll produce data- driven business results and analytics.

Make money through online surveys.

Simply browse survey sites that offer dependable payouts, a steady stream of new surveys, and favorable payment terms to maximize your earnings from online surveys. Next, concentrate on surveys that have high pay-to-time ratios. Take into consideration the survey’s return on investment (ROI). Your busy game in surveys will be better the higher your ROI.

Taking surveys online for money can be a fun, easy, and adaptable way to supplement your income. It’s easy to get started and doesn’t require any special skills; all you need is a smartphone or computer. Rewards in cash are available at any time. You can choose when and how often you take surveys, which could increase your income significantly. You can easily cash out your balance using PayPal, Skrill, bank transfer, Amazon vouchers, and more, depending on where you live.

To make a lot of money through paid online surveys, you need to put in time and effort. It is entirely feasible to earn a few hundred dollars per month if you are willing to put in the time and are eligible to participate in a variety of surveys (including focus groups, which pay well.

Find ways to sell your services.

Selling your services won’t necessarily make you rich—look to passive income instead! It’s a great way to boost your profile and earn extra money. Offer services that are directly related to the subject of your blog, such as catering for a food blog or freelance writing or graphic design services.

Selling administration is a frequently disregarded, but possibly worthwhile, way to deal with selling on the web. For a variety of situations, this may be an excellent option. We have advice to help you succeed whether you have expertise in a particular field, wish to generate profit without making a significant initial investment, or are already selling services offline with success and wish to expand.

Facilitate your audience’s ability to get in touch with you and learn more about your services. You’ll have a lot of ideas for how to improve your services’ sales process as you work with your first two or three customers. In fact, you will be able to automate some tasks, such as follow-up and payment.

Find ways to make money from your blog or website.

Blogging can be profitable in a number of different ways. You are able to include affiliate links in your posts—be sure to include a disclaimer. Ads can be strategically placed in your posts to monetize your blog. Sponsored posts are a popular way for review bloggers to make money from specific brands. On their websites, bloggers can also sell physical or digital products. You can also use a blog to build a personal brand that will help you land speaking engagements, television deals, or substantial client contracts.

There are many other ways to make money online from your blog if you don’t want to sell sponsored posts or ads. Having your audience pay for access to specific sections or content of your website is a popular strategy. There are a few ways to accomplish that.

Blog writing is more than just a pastime. It can also be a way to live on your own terms and earn money. As you can see, there are many ways to convert website traffic into cash. Follow these guidelines to increase your content’s profitability, build your brand, and grow your audience. You will be well on your way to making money from your blog if you use professional monetization tools, smart business practices, and high-quality content. Take a look at the how-to monetize a blog section of our online course on blogging to get you started.

Be A Success in the eCommerce World

Digital shelves have become the backbone of online shopping and e-commerce. Recognizing that consumers want greater flexibility when shopping, retailers have increased their investment in this strategy. The emerging digital shelves market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 18% between 2022 and 2030.

Why is the growth so strong? Because e-commerce has become more than just a shopping channel. Already an important part of the growth of online and in-store consumer goods (CPG), the digital shelf continues to evolve to include components that complement the information consumers access while shopping in-store, such as:

  • Customer ratings and reviews;

  • Product images, descriptions and videos;

  • Promotions and price information; and

  • Stock levels and available stock.

A successful overall product content strategy that works seamlessly across all channels can help accelerate digital shelf growth. What is the key to the success of these retailers? The right tools and resources.

Why Product Content Matters — Especially Today

Several factors drive consumers to product pages and increase their trust in product information. Inflation caused nearly 75% of customers to change their buying behavior. Nearly 50% of consumers use a smartphone while shopping and more than 50% scan QR codes to learn more about products. They view and spend more time on product content because they:

  • Focus on their budget (67%);

  • performed bowel examinations (56%); and

  • are looking for more detailed information (28%).

The average consumer views content across multiple channels, so brands need to deliver consistent product content everywhere. 81% of consumers expect the content they encounter to be similar, whether on a website, in an email or on social media. The omnichannel shopping trend is still very popular with shoppers relying on the numerous product detail pages (PDPs) and e-commerce sites to guide them in making important buying decisions.

Up Your Content Marketing Game Implementing these strategies will help you up your content marketing game.

1. Eliminate silos and embrace a single source of truth to more easily manage data and improve customer experience (CX).

Marketing teams may have to manage hundreds or even thousands of product pages across multiple retailer sites – a nearly impossible task without a good system in place.

A central data management system saves resources and eliminates errors caused by manual entry.

Adopting a single source of truth allows teams to maintain consistency by updating only once, and the system immediately applies those changes to all product data and all channels.

2. Enhance your marketing departments’ time and energy and empower them to deliver the best CX with the magic of a streamlined, collaborative workflow.

Content management systems increase flexibility by storing content in one place. These systems also help teams identify potential legal or compliance issues, improve communication, maximize performance, and communicate more effectively between teams.

3. Enable and accelerate your brand’s omnichannel engagement to attract, engage and retain shoppers.

Building a digital presence is one thing. However, fostering omnichannel engagement is another (and effective) story. Developing a robust, multi-faceted commerce experience strategy can help your brand attract, engage (and retain) more buyers across multiple channels.

Start by choosing a data pool provider with a network large enough to reach as many retailers — and consumers — as possible.

This approach broadens your reach when you provide product data and supply chain information to partners and share it with their buyers.

4. Optimize SEO for equal buying opportunities in e-commerce.

While your product descriptions are ultimately about grabbing your customers’ attention, the content should also perform well with search engine algorithms. If your content doesn’t match these algorithms, you could lose your rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). Find out what your customers are saying about your product with keyword research.

Also, make sure you’ve optimized your site and make sure you meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements – this is another way to maximize SEO value through website designs, accessibility like title tags, descriptive alt text, and header structure.

5. Use alt image text for product images.

The text in the alternate image describes how the product will look. Search engines need it to find images on your site and return relevant results.

This text also helps crawl bots and rank your site higher in the SERPs.

  • Aim for 125 characters or less.

  • Describe images using specific and concise language.

  • Use this space to provide context – don’t try to stuff alt text with keywords.

  • Use accessibility best practices when describing more complex images such as diagrams, graphs or maps.

6. Optimize PDP, the holy grail of product information.

PDPs are essential for providing customers with the information they need, and they are also one of the best places to maximize your SEO. Your goal should be to develop high-quality, easy-to-read content for your target audience.

Understand your client base and their buying habits.

Examines existing content from all angles to determine if it provides and conveys the information expected by customers. Write a compelling description that tells a full, detailed story, using natural, conversational language to demonstrate how your product stacks up against the competition and why it’s the better choice.

Include strong words for sales and choose descriptive words such as “stunning” or “exceptional” rather than softer adjectives such as “beautiful” (and less interesting).

Emphasize the benefits and features of a product, how it eases a pain point, solves a need or brings joy.

Choose a format that makes the content easy to scan and read – bullet points, short paragraphs, lots of white space and different sized fonts are helpful.

Omnichannel Content Strategies boost the power of your product content. This makes it easier to develop and deliver consistent, original content across all channels, which is especially important as e-commerce has evolved from a mere channel to a powerful shopping tool used by almost everyone.





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