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3F Models Provide the Freedom and Force in the Federation

3F Models have been providing models with the opportunity to achieve much more than simply a place to broadcast their talents for over 11 years. Their business has risen steadily and they currently operate studios in Kharkiv, Kyiv and Odessa.

A spokesman for the company said “We are biggest studio in Ukraine. Before the war we had 20 studios, but we had to close some studios in Kharkiv because there aren’t many people in the city now. We are working hard for the models, and continuing our expansion, especially in Odessa and Kyiv, where we currently operate more than 10 studios”.

Force, Freedom and Federation

The mantra for 3F Models has always been to help their models attain much more than simply earning an income. In fact, 3F stands for ‘Force, Freedom and Federation’. They pride themselves on providing ways and means for the models to become part of the 3F family and to help them grow as individuals. As well as studio training for cam broadcasting, they also offer assistance with beauty products and procedures via their partners in the beauty business and are able to provide big discounts to models with guidance and instruction.

In addition, they have a resident psychologist who provides support and assistance towards attaining positive mental health for the models. The support is able to discuss strategies and provide the right approach when models are dealing with the members on the site and any issues they may face, in the adult industry as a whole.

The Ultimate Prize Givers

3F Models are well known for their regular contests for the models and also, the incredible parties they organise. A spokesperson from 3F Models told me “We always make parties for models, and there are regular contests throughout the year. 3F Models do not want to just earn big money from the models, we want to invest money for contests and for the models future. For example, a few years ago, at a “New year’s party” one of models won an apartment in the Kharkiv city, another model won a Maserati car, while another got $5000. Regular gifts for models include iphones, macbooks and ipads. And it’s not a one-off event, it’s a regular occurrence.”

Why do you think that 3F Models are attracted to your studios?

We think that we offer the models the very best in terms of training and well-being, right from the very start. We spend time initially making sure they understand the process and what the work entails. They are shown the sites functionalities and given a good understanding of what is involved. We deal mainly with Freemium sites, so it means they need to be comfortable and make good use of their attributes. If for example, a model is good at dancing, we encourage her to focus on this aspect.

It’s preferable for us to ensure the model can concentrate as fully as possible on webcam and so we provide content creation opportunities for the models also. We understand the importance of providing content for the models profile and much prefer to offer our expertise in this instance”.

Garnering Prestigious Industry Awards

As well as many nominations every year at the different events, 3F Models have won some big industry awards over the past 3 years including

  • Best Ukrainian studio on Bcams.

  • Best Ukrainian studio at the AW Awards in 2021, 2022 and 2023.

  • Best Ukrainian model

  • Best VR model

The 3F ambassador Sofia, also has an award for ’Best company representative’ and can be found at all the major summits in Europe.

Unveiling the Future

So, what’s in store for 3F Models in 2024?

We are working hard on social media and have just started our youtube show “whoiscam” about the summits and events. We have just tested that and we would like to up quality and be a more prepared in the 2024. We’ve also been working on our TikTok to improve our engagement. We recognise the importance of staying ahead of the game and strive to continue to develop and expand our brand. Although as every Ukrainian studio knows it is hard for us to plan anything more than 2 weeks in advance at the moment. Every single bit of investment is high risk but we continue to strive and do not stop our hard work in order to achieve what we know is possible for our models. Our goal is to receive a ‘Best European Studio’ award”.

Fresh Prize News

Any models who think they’ve got what it takes to become a 3F Model should apply right away. You too can become a highflyer with this award-winning company and maybe be the next best Ukrainian model in the industry.

Not only that but the latest content has started, where 1 lucky model will win a Pontiac Solstice. Yes, that’s right! Every single model working with 3F Models has a chance to win this incredible prize, so join up right away. The closing date is March 8th 2024. Just imagine, you could be riding around in your very own cabriolet this Spring!



Inside the Furry World: A Peek into Furry Life

THE “Furry” lifestyle is much more complicated than the name implies. You have Furries who are all about the porn and sex aspect of the lifestyle, then there are Furries who genuinely believe they are not human and that they are actually the animals they dress up as. Still it goes deeper. You have Furries who are into the lifestyle the same way a cosplayer is into cosplaying: stock broker by day, furry deer with a red nose by night. Most of the time these alternate fursonas are not interchangeable, as once a furry finds his or hers furself, that is their fursona for life. It is a strange and mystifying world that defies most people’s ideas of logic and reasonable living. So we are going to take a deep dive into the Furry Universe in this article and see if this is just another harmless fetish or something darker.

Furry fandom is a lifestyle interested in anthropomorphic animal characters. While these characters are taken seriously by those involved, they sill exhibit human behaviour such as walking on two legs and communicating through speech and wearing clothes. Furries congregate on the internet and also meet in person at furry conventions held all over the world.

The furry subculture got its start in the 1970s as a result of the underground comix movement. The underground comix movement focused on explicit and sexual material. In 1976 a pair of odd artists released a series of comix featuring anthropomorphic animal characters depicted in explicit sexual acts. These comic books grew a small cult following to the point that the group started meeting at science fiction and comic book conventions. The subculture grew and by the 1990s there were thousands of furries all over the world. Now there are hundreds of thousands.

Today furries spend much of their time trying to dispel the belief that the furry subculture is about sex. In fact, people in the furry community are largely annoyed about how their community has generally been portrayed in the mainstream media.

Most furries feel like the depictions of sexual fetishists wearing costumes and cavorting at wild orgies are unfair and does not portray the majority of those living the furry lifestyle.

Today the numbers in the furry subculture are estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands. This is a worldwide community of people with an intense appreciation for the furry fandom.

They’re made up anyone from all walks of life: the old and young, all genders, CEOs, blue-collar workers, singles, couples, parents, students, gay, straight – basically all who celebrate fantasy animal characters with human traits. That is where this lifestyle gets murky because when it comes to how furries celebrate, the methods run the gambit.

One way furries celebrate is at Furry conventions, which are basically like a Comic-Con. Fans get together to buy and sell artwork, participate in workshops, wear costumes, and socialize.

Furries also throw smaller get-togethers where they party like any other party you have been to except these people are dressed in full furry costumes.

Furries also gather at popular casinos in Vegas and attend sporting events together dressed as their fursonas.

While the theory that furries engage is drug fuelled orgies in their costumes persist as it turns out this is not altogether true. Yes, sometimes at parties or conventions people hook up and share mutual sexual relations, but rarely in their full furry suits, as logistically this would be a huge challenge. And when you factor in how hot it would be in those suits, the theory of furries getting busy as their Fursonas starts to fall apart. Although the orgies theories may be mostly unfounded, that does not mean the furry subculture is all the time, and you will see, like most subcultures, there is a dark side to Furry Fandom.

Being a furry is a fantasy much like LARPING or a RPG video game, so it is not uncommon for furries to regularly lie about their age and gender. This raises concerns when meeting other furries over the internet, so basically the same as online dating except in the version you are looking at the picture of a fox or rabbit, so you really have no clue who you are meeting.

While most online interactions originate on a open social forums that are moderated, often furries with nefarious thoughts will steer the conversation to a more personal platform like Facebook or WhatsApp.

The ability to hide your personal information as a ‘Furry’ is many times misused by people with a harmful sexual interest in adults or even children. It is well known that mutual interest in a subject can create a sense of rapport, which can often form into a friendship. As with any online environments occupied by people with similar interests, this communication can be used to exploit and potentially harm people. This behaviour is not limited to the furry community, as any online or offline community where people can mask their true identity can facilitate opportunities for people to engage with and groom potential victims.

It’s normal for people young and old to express themselves through “dressing up.” Some young people will develop a niche interest or hobby or be encouraged to do so by others. Events like Comic-Con and the popularity of superhero fandoms have made the idea of creating and donning intricate costumes more mainstream and accessible to all ages.

The danger comes when an interest turns into an unhealthy obsession, fixation, escape, or when the activity may potentially expose the person to risk. If someone feels unsatisfied or upset with their situation in life, it might be easier for them to escape into an alternate reality or persona that they are able to control. This is especially true for people with a supportive friend group or close family structures. if they do not feel they have a support system, this may cause dissociation, anxiety, depression, and irritability. These are the reasons many furries as well as people in other subcultures get involved in the first place.

Whilst many people involved in Furry Fandom will deny this, the fact remains that beneath the suit or fursona is a real person, and we know that some people by virtue of their sexual motivation will invariably represent a risk. This is true in any environment where people hide behind anonymous online accounts and literal mask and costumes. Some of these people misrepresent themselves and engage in groups with an ulterior motive, and considering the furry subculture is largely anomynous, this is very alarming and should breed caution into anyone considering joining the furries or any subculture where anonymity is the norm.

While most furries are nothing more than enthusiasts in the subculture and at their core are good people, it is important to remember that the structure of the furry subculture is a breeding ground for predators. This became front page news in 2014.

In December 2014, chlorine gas sent 19 people at the Midwest FurFest convention to the hospital. Despite intensive investigation, the culprit of the attack has yet to be identified.

It was after midnight on a Sunday when the fire alarm went ringing through the halls of Hyatt Regency Hotel in Rosemont, Illinois sending people running from their rooms for the exits.

It didn’t take authorities long to figure out what convention attendees had already suspected: the intense fumes they’d smelled were the result of chlorine, the oxidizing chemical commonly used as a cleaning agent in swimming pools. The gas can be toxic when leaked into the atmosphere, causing respiratory problems and irritation of the eyes. Nineteen people were hospitalized as a result of this attack

In 2016 in a triple murder in Fullerton California also had ties to the furry subculture. On September 24, 2016 police pulled into the drive way of an unassuming home, and waiting on the front porch were the two terrified daughters of Jennifer Yost ages 6 and 9. The little girls were in a state of terrified shock, and when the officers entered the home they knew why. Inside were three bodies: Jennifer Yost aged 39, her husband Christopher Yost aged 34, and a family friend, Arthur Boucher aged 28. To make matters worse, Jennifer’s 17-year-old daughter, Katlynn, was missing. As it turned out, Katlynn, her mother, father, and Arthur Boucher were heavily involved in the furry subculture.

Katlynn would be found safe with 21-year-old Josh Acosta and 25-year-old Frankie Felix who were also involved in the furry subculture. Acosta and Felix would be charged with the triple murder, and although police have been tight-lipped about the investigation, those close to it say the furry subculture did play a role in the events that lead to the triple murder.

This article is not meant to vilify furries but to caution people about getting involved in any subculture online or otherwise where anonymity is encouraged and very little information is known about the people you would be potentially meeting. It is important to use caution and a logical thought process when joining or being recruited by these groups.





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