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CrakRevenue Challenges Affiliates This December

Crakrevenue December Boost(QUEBEC CITY) For the second year in a row, the award-winning CPA network CrakRevenue is encouraging and challenging its affiliates to beat their November 2016 earnings by December’s end – to qualify for a cash bonus.

All affiliates that increase their November commissions by $500 or more this December in CrakRevenue’s new 2.0 beta platform will automatically receive a bonus ranging anywhere between $50 and $7,500

This promotion is open to everyone, new affiliates & other CPA networks included.

“We know that these winter months tend to be a tremendously lucrative time in adult affiliate marketing and we really want our affiliates to make the most of it again this year at our network,” says Axel Vézina, CrakRevenue’s COO.

“Last year, we paid out nearly 100k in bonuses alone to affiliates in addition to their regular commissions,” says Vézina.

“This year, we hope to be even more generous.”

The challenge begins December 1, 2016 and affiliates have until midnight, December 31, 2016, to surpass their November CrakRevenue earnings to be eligible for the added bonus.

“We’ve welcomed two new Account Managers to the CrakRevenue team in just the month of November alone – bringing our Affiliate Management team total to 15 – among the largest in the industry,” says Maxime Bergeron, CrakRevenue’s Sales Director.

“This will ensure Affiliates receive the support, great tips and great monetization advice that they need to succeed and do a little better each month to month,” says the network’s Sales Director.

“CrakRevenue affiliates up to the challenge will certainly not want to miss out on this!”

For more information, please visit the official Crakrevenue Blog: https://blog.crakrevenue.com/its-december-boost-your-sales-pop-the-champagne/

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