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TrafficStars Welcomes Plans By Google To Improve User Experience On Sites

TrafficStars has deployed their powerful, proprietary ad-serving technology ahead of Google’s ‘misleading ad’ war.

Logo and Graphics for TrafficStars and their proprietary flagging technology.(Limassol, Cyprus) December 16, 2017 – Big publishers are already making moves before Google begins to enforce penalizations for what has been referred to as “misleading ads”, and TrafficStars have equipped their publishers with the technology to quickly and easily prohibit such ads from their sites.

The guidelines from Google will affect experiences on a site that are identified as being misleading to visitors. Removing them may increase visitors’ enjoyment of the site and also the likelihood they’ll return.

The decision by some publishers to take action ahead of the wider industry has been ardently welcomed by TrafficStars, which is dedicated to providing high-quality traffic to its advertisers.

“We recognise and accept our responsibility to help improve the overall health of the online ecosystem,” said TraffiStars Geoffrey Bonnechère of the move. “Our proprietary technology allows us to effortlessly identify misleading elements from ads and limit where these ads are shown, which makes it easy for us to comply with changes in the industry such as this.

“This technology is available to all publishers and we welcome such changes on our platform, which all ultimately lead to higher quality traffic for our advertisers.

“We have teams of experts on hand to help publishers and advertisers to adapt to the regulations coming soon to the industry, which will ultimately improve our publishers’ user experience, and therefore the quality of traffic for our advertisers. High quality traffic is important to us, so we appreciate this industry-wide shift in this direction.”

Several large publishers have already decided to no longer allow any banner elements suggesting that the banner is any type of message, call, dialog box or other type of notification to be served on their ad spots. This includes banners with messages written to address the user directly or request some form of interaction. Such banners will be identified using TrafficStars’ proprietary flagging system and will not be served on any publishers that adhere to these guidelines.

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